Summary of Features
Detailed Features
What's New?
Release Notes
Installation & Getting
License & acknowledgements
Project Info
User's Guide
Library Window
Playlist Window
Track Editor Window
Advanced Topics
Regular Expressions
Trouble Shooting
ID3 Frame Descriptions
Command Line
jampal Command
Making an Envelope
Tag Backup
Text to Speech
Peter Bennett
My Other Projects
Peter's Backup
Proxy and debug tool
Jampal mp3 Library and Jukebox Program
Jampal offers some unique advantages over the other jukebox
and mp3 player programs available.
Jampal stores a music library of over 40000 songs with
You can sort, organize and categorize your tracks.
It is very fast. You can sort 40000 tracks in under a
You can update hundreds of track tags in one operation in
a few seconds.
Jampal libraries can be easily customized so that you can
organize your music any way you want to.
You can create your own frames within the ID3v2 standard
to categorize your songs which ever way you want.
The library can be imported into a spreadsheet or text
editor program.
Most ID3v2 fields are supported, including all text
fields and any number of attached pictures.
Reference information from the ID3v2 standard is included
to help understand the purpose and usage of each frame.
Synthesized voice announcements of song titles (on all
platforms). Announcements can use correct pronounciation
for the language of the song.

(1) One of the following:
Windows (Windows 7, XP, 2000, 98, ME, etc.)
Solaris SPARC
Solaris x86
Any Machine that supports Java 6
(2) Java Runtime Environment version 6 or higher. This is a
free download from Also OpenJDK is supported.
Please let me know if you find Jampal useful or if you
find any bugs or shortcomings in it. Also I would like to
hear from anybody who runs it on linux, macintosh or
Solaris. The best way to do this is by posting
a message at the product information page or else send
me email at pgbennett at