Jampal mp3 Library
Trouble Shooting

Summary of Features
Detailed Features
What's New?
Release Notes
Installation & Getting Started
License & acknowledgements
Project Info

User's Guide
Library Window
Playlist Window
Track Editor Window
Advanced Topics
Regular Expressions
Trouble Shooting
ID3 Frame Descriptions

Command Line
jampal Command
Making an Envelope
Tag Backup
Text to Speech

Peter Bennett

My Other Projects
Peter's Backup
Proxy and debug tool

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Log files

If the program fails to respond or responds incorrectly, there may be helpful information in the log files. The log files are located in your home directory, subdirectory ".jampal". There are two files, jampal_err.txt and jampal_out.txt. These are cleared every time you start jampal so if be sure to look at them before you restart.

Extra large libraries

Jampal easily handles a library of 40000 songs. If you want to open two such libraries at the same time or drag 40000 songs from one to another you may run out of memory. If you look in the log file mentioned above you would see an out of memory error listed.

If you have a library that is too big, or run out of memory for some other reason, you can increase the memory allocation for jampal. On the command line or in the shortcut, include a parameter "-Xmx256M" to allocate 256MB (the default if you do not do this is 64MB). You can use any value you need on the -Xmx parameter.

Bad mp3 files

If you find you cannot add an mp3 file to the library or you cannot edit the tag, you may have a corrupted tag. To fix this use the "Add tracks to library" menu and select the option to remove id3v2 tags.

On the other hand if you get a message "This file is not valid MPEG" then it is not an mp3 file. This will happen if you try to add a wav file, wma or ogg vorbis. Jampal does not support other audio formats. If you try this you may have a long wait before seeing the message especially in the case of a wav file. This is because jampal is searching the entire file for valid mp3 data before displaying the error message. If the file is large this will cause some delay.

Please let me know if you find Jampal useful or if you find any bugs or shortcomings in it. Also I would like to hear from anybody who runs it on linux, macintosh or Solaris. The best way to do this is by posting a message at the product information page or else send me email at pgbennett at users.sourceforge.net.